Friday 23 September 2011

Life drawing

Today i experienced my first life drawing lesson and it was very hard! one thing i really struggled with was hands and feet. The medium i was using was black and white chalk and it was a bit to thick for me to draw something small like fingers and i found myself struggling with the proportions as well.

Monday 19 September 2011

London 2012 Olympic Posters

 Here is one of Otl Aicher's Olympic posters for Munchen 1972, Using his style i was asked to create my own poster designs for our London 2012 Olympics next year.
 Here is one of my poster designs for basket ball. To create this first i opened up my image in photoshop and turn it into a greyscale image and then to a cmykimage. I then created my own gradient, for this image i used pink yellow and blue. I then posterized my image which got rid of all of the half tone colours. I then used gradient map and applied my new gradient i had made. After i had my photograph at the right colours i opened it up on indesign and moved the image into place cropping it to where i think looked best for a poster. I then added in the Olympic logo and rings which i drew up in illustrator. The olympic font i found on a website called and i wrote the name of the sport in the top left hand corner
 Here is another poster design i made for basketball, this time i changed the gradient to orange, yellow and purple.
Here is my poster design for the Olympic sport table tennis. The gradient i chose for this one was blue, green and yellow. I am very pleased with all of my Olympic posters and it was fun learning how to create it in the style of Otl Aicher.